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 Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?

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Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyVen 21 Avr - 0:19

Vous savez ce que sont les psyop??? Question

Citation :
Guerre psychologique

"capture leurs esprits et leurs coeurs et âmes suivra"

Les opérations psychologiques ou PSYOP sont des opérations prévues pour diffuser l'information choisie à partir des indicateurs de l'assistances pour influencer leurs émotions, leurs motifs, leur raisonnement objectif, et finalement le comportement des organismes, des groupes, et des individus.

Utilisé dans tous les aspects de la guerre, c'est une arme dont l'efficacité est limitée seulement par l'ingéniosité du commandant qui l'utilise . Utilisé en combat et en temps de paix, la PSYOP est une des armes les plus anciennes dans l'arsenal de l'homme. C'est un multiplicateur important de la force protection/combat et un système d'armes non-mortel.

Les opérations psychologiques (PSYOP) ou la guerre psychologique (PSYWAR) c'est d'apprendre simplement tout au sujet de votre ennemi ciblé, à propos de leur croyance, goûts, dégoût, de leurs forces, de leurs faiblesses, et de leurs vulnérabilités. Une fois que vous savez ce qui motive votre cible, vous êtes prêt à commencer des opérations psychologiques


L'élite utiliserait-elle les féministes extremistes institutionnelles à ces propres fins???

Le féminisme fait-il partie d'une grande stratégie élaborée pour mieux diviser pour règner?

Citation :
There are two genders, male and female. Terman's study is an exercise in gender confusion by a racist and sexist. Was Terman's study part of a well planned Council on Foreign Relations/Army Intelligence Psychological Operation to destroy the traditional family, create tension among different cultural groups, and retard progress of the Equal Rights Movement for Women?

In "How Nations See Each Other." (1953) Cantril writes about a tool, developed prior to 1939, to investigate people's perception of their nationality and other nationalities. The tool became known as the Buchanan-Cantril "Adjective Check List
." The "Adjective Check List", contained twelve adjectives: Hard-working; Intelligent; Practical; Generous; Brave; Progressive; Self-Controlled; Peace-Loving; Conceited; Cruel; Domineering; Backward. It was based on the observation people tend to ascribe to their group a set of characteristics different from the character traits ascribed to other groups. The resulting self-image is predominantly flattering, while their picture of "others" is strongly influenced by how much they perceive those others to be like themselves. The relative "similarity" or dissimilarity" between group stereotypes is a useful indicator of the degree of like or dislike between groups or nations.[10]

The adjective check-list is used to help script and test the effectiveness of psycho-political operations focused at entire nations. Groups are tested to determine the degree of like/dislike between them. The Information is used to script the PSYOP. The PSYOP is carried out without the groups knowledge. The groups are tested again. The increase or decrease of like/dislike indicates the PSYOP's effectiveness

Are results from intelligence tests, the Scholastic Aptitude test, Legal Scholastic Aptitude Tests, and Medical College Aptitude Tests made available to Council on Foreign Relations research organizations such as Cantril's Institute for International Social Research? Are these results used as an "Adjective-Checklist" to help prepare and evaluate psycho-political operations focused at the nations youth? As a parent, how do you feel about that? Were experiments conducted upon us and our children without our knowledge? Isn't that illegal? Are part of the psycho-political operations focused at subverting and retarding the Equal Rights Movement for Women? Is subverting and retarding one-half the Nations thinking power in the Nations best interest?


Assez débile, non??? affraid
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Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Réponse concernant la psy op féministe   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyJeu 27 Avr - 18:07

Je crois que le féminisme est une "psy op" contre les hommes mais je ne crois pas que ceci fait prti d'une plus grande manipulation dont le féminisme ne serait qu'un prétexte. Je crois que tou cela se limite au féminisme et que le féminisme utilise le concept de "psy op" contreles hommes. Le féminisme est bel et bien une guerre psychologique contre les hommes et de plus en plus d'hommes et de femmes commencent à s'en rendre compte. Des experts lónt anoncés depuis longtemps mais personnes ne les écoutaient. Il faut bien maintenant se rendre à l'évidence.
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Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyVen 28 Avr - 0:28

Et si le féminisme radicale n'était qu'une des branches de l'état répressif???

Citation :
Feminists would be outraged if they knew they were being hoodwinked by the corporate elite.

They think they are fighting the "patriarchy" but in fact they are victims of a plot to bring down the birth rate by spreading sexual chaos among men and women.

Search for "Women's Studies, Rockefeller Foundation" in Google and you'll discover 15,000 examples of how the people who funded depopulation and Nazi eugenics are funding feminism. This is not a coincidence.

The Rockefeller foundation people and their allies own much of the world's wealth. They are responsible for war, deprivation, terrorism and disease. Ladies, do you really think they've suddenly taken a genuine interest in women's rights? Or gay rights? You are being used.

Second-wave feminism is part of a concerted attack on the heterosexual foundations of society. Starting in the 1960's, an orchestrated media campaign has disparaged the importance of wife and mother, father and the nuclear family. It has feverishly promoted the idea that, instead, women should find personal fulfillment in career. We naively believed this was spontaneous.

Second-wave feminism was created and promoted by Communist activists like Betty Friedan and CIA operatives like Gloria Steinem.

Both Communism and the CIA are instruments of the corporate elite. (Communism was funded by monopoly capitalism which naturally fears democracy and competition. Political monopoly is the counterpart of economic monopoly.)

Second-wave feminism is part of a wacky plot by the super rich to enslave mankind in a feudal fascist world government administered by the UN. This is the "New World Order."

The impending gratuitous attack on Iraq is the latest step in this long-term plan.

By making women compete with men for the male role, feminism is classic Communist "divide and conquer". They use race and class as well.

A friend who is divorcing his wife told me: "I fell out of love because she became too masculine." The major reason families are breaking up is that women are brainwashed to think they are oppressed and need to be more like men.

Feminists say they want to stop "sexism." This is typical Communist "doublespeak."

On the surface, sexism refers to social discrimination on the basis of sex. Who can argue with that? In practice, sexism means denying there are ANY natural differences between men and women. All differences are due to social conditioning.

By stamping out "sexism," which they equate with racism, feminists really want to expunge heterosexuality.

While championing "tolerance" for homosexuals, they are waging a hateful and underhanded war on your sexual identity.

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Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyDim 2 Juil - 4:07

Citation :
K.A.S. : Avant d'aller plus loin, qu'entendez-vous exactement par féminisme? Pouvez-vous définir le mot pour nous?

W.L.P. : Le féminisme est un système d'idées avec plusieurs caractéristiques particulières. Premièrement, c'est un système dans lequel le sexe est considéré comme la première caractéristique identifiante, plus importante même que la race. Deuxièmement, et paradoxalement, c'est un système dans lequel les hommes et les femmes sont considérés comme naturellement identiques dans tous leurs traits intellectuels et psychiques, et dans tous leurs traits physiques exceptés ceux qui sont le plus manifestement dépendants de la configuration du système génital. Troisièmement, c'est un système dans lequel le fait de jouer un rôle traditionnellement masculin dans la société est valorisé davantage que le fait d'être une épouse et une mère, un système dans lequel les rôles féminins traditionnels sont dénigrés. Finalement, c'est un système dans lequel les hommes et les femmes sont considérés comme des classes mutuellement hostiles, où les hommes ont traditionnellement le rôle d'oppresseurs des femmes; et dans lequel on considère que le premier devoir de chaque femme est de soutenir les intérêts de ses congénères femmes de toutes races contre les oppresseurs mâles.

J'ajouterai que les femmes qui se décrivent elles-mêmes comme féministes ne cadreront pas toutes à 100% avec cette définition. Le véritable féminisme n'est pas seulement une chose intellectuelle; c'est une maladie, avec de profondes racines émotionnelles. Certaines femmes veulent seulement être à la mode, mais sont normales à part ça. Elles veulent juste être à la mode, et le féminisme est présenté comme étant à la mode par les médias ces jours. Il est politiquement correct.

Et pendant que nous y sommes, nous pouvons noter qu'il y a une maladie analogue, qu'on appelle d'habitude phallocratie, qui s'exprime par une série d'attitudes envers les femmes, allant du mépris condescendant à l'hostilité déclarée. Les féministes attribuent souvent la croissance du féminisme à une réaction contre la phallocratie. En réalité celle-ci, qui n'a jamais touché plus qu'une minorité d'hommes blancs, a davantage été une excuse pour les promoteurs du féminisme qu'une cause de ce désordre.

K.A.S. : OK. Donc voilà ce qu'est le féminisme. Maintenant, de quelle manière est-il destructeur? Comment est-il lié au déclin de l'Amérique?

W.L.P. : Le féminisme est destructeur à plusieurs niveaux différents. Au niveau racial il est destructeur parce qu'il divise notre race, nous privant de notre solidarité raciale et nous affaiblissant dans la lutte pour la survie raciale; et parce qu'il réduit le taux de natalité des Blancs, particulièrement parmi les femmes cultivées. Il sape également la famille en attirant les femmes hors du foyer et en laissant l'éducation des enfants aux soins de la télévision et des garderies.

A un niveau personnel ou social, le féminisme cause des dégâts en érodant la relation traditionnelle entre hommes et femmes. Cette relation traditionnelle n'est pas basée sur une supposition d'égalité ou de similitude. Ce n'est pas une relation symétrique, mais plutôt complémentaire. Elle est basée sur une division sexuelle du travail, avec des rôles fondamentalement différents pour les hommes et les femmes: les hommes sont les fournisseurs et les protecteurs, et les femmes sont les éducatrices. Les hommes rapportent de quoi faire bouillir la marmite, et ils gardent la tanière; les femmes nourrissent les enfants et s'occupent du foyer.

Aujourd'hui beaucoup de gens se moquent de cette relation traditionnelle. Ils pensent que dans le Nouvel Ordre Mondial il n'y a pas besoin de protéger la tanière ou l'appartement ou autre, parce qu'aujourd'hui nous sommes tous très civilisés, et que tout ce qu'on a besoin de faire pour ramener le casse-croûte à la maison est de sauter dans la voiture et d'aller à la galerie marchande la plus proche, et bien sûr une femme peut faire ça aussi bien qu'un homme. Donc, parce que les temps ont changé, les rôles doivent changer. Il n'y a plus de raison pour conserver une division du travail; maintenant nous pouvons tous être pareils, affirment les apologues du féminisme.

Maintenant, j'ai deux problèmes avec cette manière de raisonner. D'abord, je ne suis pas si pressé de jeter à la poubelle des traditions vieilles d'un million d'années, comme le sont les enthousiastes du Nouvel Ordre Mondial, parce que je n'ai pas aussi confiance dans la capacité du gouvernement à fournir une protection à la totalité d'entre nous, et je ne suis pas non plus aussi sûr qu'il y aura toujours de la nourriture dans les magasins du voisinage et que nous n'aurons pas à revenir aux anciennes manières de la trouver. En fait, je suis un optimiste de nature, mais je ne suis pas optimiste au point de croire que je n'aurai jamais besoin d'utiliser ma force ou mes instincts de combat pour protéger ma famille. En fait, chaque fois que je regarde le journal du soir à la télévision, je suis encore plus convaincu qu'il y a une très bonne chance que nous ayons à combattre pour notre subsistance dans les prochaines années.

En second lieu, Mère Nature a fait un très gros investissement dans sa manière de faire les choses au cours des derniers millions d'années d'évolution des primates. La question n'est pas simplement que nous décidions de ne pas aimer le plan de Mère Nature parce qu'il n'est plus à la mode, et que nous allons le changer. Nous sommes ce que nous sommes. C'est-à-dire que nous sommes ce que des millions d'années d'évolution ont fait de nous. Un homme est un homme dans chaque cellule de son corps et de son cerveau, pas seulement dans son système génital, et une femme est une femme au même degré. Nous avons été totalement et précisément adaptés à nos différents rôles. Nous ne pouvons pas changer la réalité en faisant passer une loi de droits civiques. Si nous nous trompons nous-mêmes en pensant que nous le pouvons, il y a un prix à payer. Ce qui revient à dire que nous finissons par avoir une quantité d'hommes et de femmes très troublés, déçus, et malheureux. Nous finissons aussi par avoir une quantité d'hommes et de femmes très irrités, ce qui explique l'existence des féministes et des phallocrates.

Il est vrai, bien sûr, que certaines femmes peuvent être parfaitement heureuses comme femmes d'affaires ou comme professionnelles du combat au couteau, de même que certains hommes se sont volontiers adaptés au Nouvel Ordre Mondial en devenant moins agressifs et plus «sensibles». Mais ça ne marche pas de cette manière pour les hommes et les femmes normaux. Ce que l'homme normal veut et recherche réellement n'est pas un partenaire commercial et un camarade de chambre du sexe opposé, mais une vraie femme qu'il peut protéger et entretenir. Et ce qu'une femme normale veut et recherche réellement avec chaque fibre de son être, quelle que soit la quantité de propagande féministe qu'elle a absorbée, c'est un vrai homme, qui peut l'aimer et la protéger et subvenir à ses besoins et à ceux de leurs enfants. Si elle a trop regardé la télévision et qu'elle s'est laissée persuader qu'à la place d'un homme fort et masculin elle voulait une mauviette sensible qui la laissera porter les culottes la moitié du temps dans la famille, elle se dirige vers une violente collision avec la réalité de sa propre nature. Elle finira par devenir complètement névrosée, poussant quelques hommes vers la phallocratie, et devenant elle-même une charge pour la société. Notre société ne peut plus se permettre ce genre de sottises. Si le féminisme ne faisait que rendre les individus malheureux, je ne m'en inquiéterais pas beaucoup. J'ai toujours pensé que les gens avaient le droit de se rendre aussi malheureux qu'ils le voulaient. Mais malheureusement, il détruit notre société et affaiblit notre race, et nous devons y mettre fin rapidement.

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Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyVen 14 Juil - 22:57

Il y a des femmes haineuses qui c'étaient crée une chat room secrète à la CIA pour faire des Joke Misandre...

Twisted Evil

Citation :
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The CIA is investigating a covert chat room on the agency's internal classified computer system where "inappropriate" material was exchanged for more than five years, intelligence officials said Sunday.

One intelligence official told CNN that the chat room, which was kept hidden from CIA officials, "was an abuse of the agency's internal communications system." The official said there was no e-mail involved, only a private chat room set up on the agency's computer network. CIA spokesman Bill Harlow said there was "misuse" of computers, but no "compromise of classified information." An intelligence official said "the content (of the chat room) was much less significant than the fact of the secret channel" which "was an abuse of the agency's internal communications system."

Alleged ringleaders were women

The Washington Post reported Sunday that 160 people were involved in the illegal system, but intelligence officials said that figure was misleading.

One official told CNN that many people logged into the system once, perhaps read a joke, and then never logged on again. But the official said there was a system for "vetting" those who participated in the chat room. The official said many of the "ringleaders" were women and that one of the features of the chat room was "sexist jokes."

Many of the participants had jobs at the CIA that involved operating and maintaining the computer system, and had created the chat room "probably to prove they could," officials said.


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Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyJeu 27 Juil - 18:51

Citation :
Part 23

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
January 2, 2006

Why might senior adults have these disorders? Well, it could happen if the power elite changed civilization and the culture or society so that people could be more easily controlled and manipulated. In the U.S. on March 18, 2002, Dr. Henry Makow published "Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society." Dr. Makow explained that "in the 1960s, the elite media invented second-wave feminism as part of the elite agenda to dismantle civilization and create a New World Order. I have discovered that before she became a feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA spying on Marxist students in Europe and disrupting their meetings. She became a media darling due to her CIA connections. Ms. magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA....In 1958, Steinem was recruited by CIA's Cord Meyer (Scroll & Key member at Yale University, first president of United World Federalists, and with the CIA from 1951 to 1977) to direct an 'informal group of activists' called the 'Independent Research Service.'...Steinem helped to provoke riots.

One of Steinem's CIA colleagues was Clay Felker. In the early 1960s, he became an editor at ESQUIRE and published articles by Steinem which established her as a leading voice for women's lib. In 1968, as publisher of NEW YORK magazine, he hired her as a contributing editor, and then editor of Ms. magazine in 1971....Ms. magazine's first publisher was Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a CIA-connected PR executive who planned John Kennedy's Dallas motorcade route....In the 1980s, Steinem dated Henry Kissinger.

Our main misconception about the CIA is that it serves U.S. interests. In fact, it has always been the instrument of a dynastic international banking and oil elite (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan) coordinated by the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London and their U.S. branch, the Council on Foreign Relations....The agenda of this international cabal is to degrade the institutions and values of the United States in order to integrate it into a global state that it will direct through the United Nations....The CIA's 'Project Mockingbird' involved the direct infiltration of the corporate media, a process that often included direct takeover of major news outlets. 'By the early 1950s,' writes Deborah Davis, in her book KATHERINE THE GREAT, 'the CIA owned respected members of THE NEW YORK TIMES, NEWSWEEK, CBS and other communication vehicles, plus stringers, four to six hundred in all.'...

Feminism is a grotesque fraud perpetrated on society by its governing elite. It is designed to weaken the American social and cultural fabric in order to introduce a friendly fascist New World Order....In the 1950s, women were free to pursue careers if they wanted to. The difference was that their role as wife and mother was understood, and socially validated, as it should be. Until Gloria Steinem and the CIA came along."

In the 1960s and 1970s, the power elite via their feminist allies promoted sexual liberation. In 1973, John D. Rockefeller III authored THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION, applauding sexual liberation and the "humanistic revolution" while disparaging "old-fashioned nationalism." Public schools promoted humanistic values and "comprehensive sex education," which has resulted in more, not less, teen sexual activity with a corresponding rise in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). On November 7, 2005, Barbara Simpson on WorldNetDaily authored "The search-&-destroy mission against children," reporting that on November 2, "a 3-judge panel of the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals...dismissed a suit brought by a group of Palmdale, CA, parents against their school district concerning a psychological survey the children were to complete which contained explicit sexual questions....The survey was given to children in the first, third and fifth grades, supposedly to help measure trauma.


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Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyDim 31 Déc - 2:10

Citation :
Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
March 18, 2002

"In the 1960's, the elite media invented second-wave feminism as part of the elite agenda to dismantle civilization and create a New World Order."

Since writing these words last week, I have discovered that before she became a feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA spying on Marxist students in Europe and disrupting their meetings. She became a media darling due to her CIA connections. MS Magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA.
Steinem has tried to suppress this information, unearthed in the 1970's by a radical feminist group called "Red Stockings." In 1979, Steinem and her powerful CIA-connected friends, Katharine Graham of the Washington Post and Ford Foundation President Franklin Thomas prevented Random House from publishing it in "Feminist Revolution." Nevertheless the story appeared in the "Village Voice" on May 21, 1979.

Steinem has always pretended that she had been a student radical. "When I was in college, it was the McCarthy era," she told Susan Mitchell in 1997, "and that made me a Marxist." (Icons, Saints and Divas: Intimate Conversations with Women who Changed the World 1997. p 130) Her bio-blurb in June 1973 MS. Magazine states: "Gloria Steinem has been a freelance writer all her professional life. Ms magazine is her first full-time salaried job."

Not true. Raised in an impoverished, dysfunctional family in Toledo Ohio, Steinem somehow managed to attend elite Smith College, Betty Friedan's alma mater. After graduating in 1955, Steinem received a "Chester Bowles Student Fellowship" to study in India. Curiously, an Internet search reveals that this fellowship has no existence apart from Gloria Steinem. No one else has received it.

In 1958, Steinem was http://www.namebase.org/steinem.htmlrecruited by CIA's Cord Meyers to direct an "informal group of activists" called the "Independent Research Service." This was part of Meyer's "Congress for Cultural Freedom," which created magazines like "Encounter" and "Partisan Review" to promote a left-liberal chic to oppose Marxism. Steinem, attended Communist-sponsored youth festivals in Europe, published a newspaper, reported on other participants, and helped to provoke riots.

One of Steinem's CIA colleagues was Clay Felker. In the early 1960's, he became an editor at Esquire and published articles by Steinem which established her as a leading voice for women's lib. In 1968, as publisher of New York Magazine, he hired her as a contributing editor, and then editor of Ms. Magazine in 1971. Warner Communications put up almost all the money although it only took 25% of the stock. Ms. Magazine's first
publisher was Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a CIA-connected PR executive who planned John Kennedy's Dallas motorcade route. Despite its anti establishment image, MS magazine attracted advertising from the cream of corporate America. It published ads for ITT at the same time as women political prisoners in Chile were being tortured by Pinochet, after a coup inspired by the US conglomerate and the CIA.

Steinem's personal relationships also belie her anti establishment pretensions. She had a nine-year relationship with Stanley Pottinger, a Nixon-Ford assistant attorney general, credited with stalling FBI investigations into the assassinations of Martin Luther King, and the ex-Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Latelier. In the 1980's, she dated
Henry Kissinger. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8425/ST-CIA.HTMFor more details, see San Francisco researcher Dave Emory.

Our main misconception about the CIA is that it serves US interests. In fact, it has always been the instrument of a dynastic international banking and oil elite (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan) coordinated by the Royal Institute for Internal Affairs in London and their US branch, the Council for Foreign Relations. It was established and peopled by blue bloods from the New York banking establishment and graduates of Yale University's secret pagan "Skull and Bones" society. Our current President, his father and grandfather fit this profile.

The agenda of this international cabal is to degrade the institutions and values of the United States in order to integrate it into a global state that it will direct through the United Nations. In its 1947 Founding Charter, the CIA is prohibited from engaging in domestic activities. However this has never stopped it from waging a psychological war on the American people. The domestic counterpart of the "Congress for Cultural Freedom" was the "American Committee for Cultural Freedom." Using foundations as conduits, the CIA controlled intellectual discourse in the 1950's and 1960's, and I believe continues to do so today. In "The Cultural Cold War," Francis Stonor Saunders estimates that a thousand books were produced under the imprint of a variety of commercial and
university presses, with covert subsidies.

The CIA's "Project Mockingbird" involved the direct infiltration of the corporate media, a process that often included direct takeover of major news outlets. "By the early 1950's," writes Deborah Davis, in her book "Katherine the Great," the CIA owned respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communication vehicles, plus stringers, four to six hundred in all." In 1982 the CIA admitted that reporters on the CIA payroll have acted as case officers to agents in the field. Philip Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, who ran the operation until his "suicide" in 1963, boasted that "you could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple of hundred dollars a month."

http://home.dti.net/lawserv/leary.htmlAccording to Mark Riebling, the CIA also may have used Timothy Leary. Certainly the agency distributed LSD to Leary and other opinion makers in the 1960s. Leary made a generation of Americans turn away from active participation in society and seek fulfillment "within." In another example of the CIA's use of drugs to interfere in domestic politics, Gary Webb describes how in the 1980's,
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/searc … 1007028the
CIA flooded Black ghettos with cocaine.
I won't attempt to analyze the CIA's motivation except to suggest what they have in common: They demoralized, alienated and divided Americans. The elite operates by fostering division and conflict in the world. Thus, we don't realize who the real enemy is. For the same reason, the CIA and http://www.capitalresearch.org/misc/pcpXIII.pdfelite foundations also fund the diversity and multicultural movements.
Feminism has done the most damage. There is no more fundamental yet delicate relationship in society than male and female. On it depends the family, the red blood cell of society. Nobody with the interests of society at heart would try to divide men and women. Yet the lie that men have exploited women has become the official orthodoxy.
Man loves woman. His first instinct is to nurture ("husband") and see her thrive. When a woman is happy, she is beautiful. Sure, some men are abusive. But the vast majority have supported and guided their families for millennium.

Feminists relentlessly advance the idea that our inherent male and female characteristics, crucial to our development as human beings, are mere "stereotypes." This is a vicious calumny on all heterosexuals, 95% of the population. Talk about hate! Yet it is taught to children in elementary schools! It is echoed in the media. Lesbians like Rosie O'Donnell are advanced as role models.

All of this is calculated to create personal confusion and sow chaos among heterosexuals. As a result, millions of Western males are emasculated and divorced from their relationship to family (the world and the future.)

The American woman has been hoodwinked into investing herself in a mundane career instead of the timeless love of her husband and children. Many women have become temperamentally unfit to be wives and mothers. People, who are isolated and alone, stunted and love-starved, are easy to fool and manipulate. Without the healthy influence of two loving parents, so are their children.

Feminism is a grotesque fraud perpetrated on society by its governing elite. It is designed to weaken the American social and cultural fabric in order to introduce a friendly fascist New World Order. Its advocates are sanctimonious charlatans who have grown rich and powerful from it. They include a whole class of liars and moral cripples who work for the elite in various capacities: government, education and the media. These imposters ought to be exposed and ridiculed.
Women's oppression is a lie. Sex roles were never as rigid as feminists would have us believe. My mother had a successful business in the 1950's importing watchstraps from Switzerland. When my father's income increased, she was content to quit and concentrate on the children. Women were free to pursue careers if they wanted to. The difference was that their role as wife and mother was understood, and socially validated, as it should be.

Until Gloria Steinem and the CIA came along.


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Nombre de messages : 375
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2006

Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite?   Féminisme, Une psyop de l'élite? EmptyLun 19 Mar - 6:04

Citation :

David R. Usher
February 16, 2007

Feminists’ success destroying marriage in America, and exporting it to many foreign nations via the United Nations under the guise of “Democracy” is now legendary. Feminist victim-politics – in which demands for “equal rights” mask powerful agenda mandating unequal wrongs – must be ended.

A substantial number of moderate and conservative women’s organizations now oppose the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Not only did the outgoing Congress ignore the will of the people in reauthorizing VAWA last year, it added a dangerous anti-marriage known as IMBRA – the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act – a new and alarming legal construct to arbitrarily interfere with our constitutional right to free association.

IMBRA is a brute blockade making it impossible for foreign women to meet American men for marriage. American men must provide hardcopy about their criminal, family court orders, and arrest records to marriage introduction services, which must then show it to the woman and get her signature, before sharing contact information.

Since few foreign women are within visiting distance of the introduction service, and where less than half have access to the internet, they are effectively denied the possibility of marrying-up in the world. American men cannot freely meet or marry a nice woman who truly understands the value of marriage, and does not see men as just another sexual conquest leading to alimony and a huge child support order.

Feminists abhor American men having a way to find a marriage partner worth taking a risk on. Most American men who look overseas for marriage do so because in many foreign countries, women truly understand the purpose and value of marriage and having a husband. These women were not raised into a cult believing marriage is a war for domination and submission. They do not see marriage as being a trap hindering post-Kinsey sexual freedoms such as single-mother stripping and looting of Duke University students, or prostitution so staunchly defended by the National Organization for Women.

Having spent some time working in Korea, China, and Singapore I can testify to the vast attitudinal differences towards marriage between foreign women in these countries and their brainwashed American counterparts.

The first tip-off that IMBRA is a feminist social cartel: IMBRA does not provide information to American women because matchmaking services with more than 50% of female American clients are exempt.

IMBRA was invented by feminists on the fabrication that violent abusive American men like to wed foreign women because they are easier to abuse for lack of social protections and supports. Never mind that, as part of the immigration process, all potential foreign brides receive a nice pile of contact information for embassies, hotlines and women’s abuse centers which also contains embedded agitprop about how nasty American men are.

There is not one whit of scientific evidence suggesting that foreign brides are abused to any notable degree. Feminists have a very small number of cases cited as mass gospel, inflated by hubristic rumor-mill anecdote to paint an image tantamount to Edvard Munch’s “The Shriek.”

Here is the truth of the matter: the only scientific study done on marriages involving foreign brides was published by the Immigration and Naturalization Service in 1999, written by Dr. Robert Scholes. It found that between 4000 and 6000 international marriages occur as a result of international matchmaking agencies each year. Divorce rates are miniscule: 80% of these marriages “survive over the years”, compared to less than 50% of marriages with American women. Despite a lack of scientific evidence of abuse rates in these marriages, the report is laden with imaginary feminist pontifications.

Feminists also claim that international matchmaking somehow constitutes sex trafficking, despite the fact that there is no evidence that organized sex traffickers use these services. Feminists consider all marriages with foreign women to be “servile” sex trafficking and inherently abusive and provide no science to support the notion:

“Bringing a woman to the U.S. is not always considered to be sex trafficking. Some of the men treat their wives well and are looking for companionship, not just a housekeeper who provides sex.”
One major promoter of IMBRA is the Tahirih Justice Center. Tahirih receives federal VAWA grants, spending some of it on helping abused women, but apparently spending greatly on paid lobbyists and “Public Policy Advocacy” not itemized in its annual report. This is the traditional alarmist self-aggrandizing fundraising technique used by radical women’s advocates.

Where the Constitution guarantees the right of free association, and where Newt Gingrich and many others oppose speech censorship in the name of national security, I maintain that IMBRA is invalid. American men do have an unfettered right to “say hello” (which is exactly what International matchmaking services do).

The danger of IMBRA to free speech cannot be understated. If IMBRA stands court tests, virtually any speech can be blocked on the internet for any manufactured reason whatsoever. Speak now, before the liberal elite holds your speech for you.

© 2007 David Usher - All Rights Reserved

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David R. Usher is Legislative Analyst for the American Coalition for Fathers and Children, Missouri Coalition and is a co-founder and past Secretary of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children.

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